Getting phygital with your brand
This week, the Zync team talks about expanding the experience of your brand by getting phygital with it. What does phygital mean? It's where the physical and digital interconnects. So, how can the phygital experience impact the customer journey? If you want to evolve your brand, you must ensure you are considering phygital journeys as part of your strategy. Join us for this week's discussion!

A paid advertising and social campaign that deals with distracted driving head-on.
Zync’s professionalism and customer service was excellent.
Stephen Firth, Director of Finance and Administration, Koskie Minsky LLP
I recommend Zync unequivocally to clients time and time again.
Ralph Frustaglio, President of RJF Communications, a corporate communications/PR consultancy
Zync has repeatedly shown their ability to deliver on brief and keep us aligned to meet our launch goals and generate the business results we want to achieve.
Michael Telpner, Senior Manager, Marketing, Scotiabank International
软件工具和程序 - 美乐威 - Magewell:Capture Express 软件作为一款简易的专用工具,可对一路输入信号进行录制、预览和推流。用户可同时运行 9 个 Capture Express 软件窗口,利用美乐威硬件处理信号源,并通过 GPU 加速进行视频编码实现本地录制和 RTMP 推流。
Suzana Popovic-Montag, Managing Partner, Hull & Hull
Zync has repeatedly shown their ability to generate business results.
Michael Telpner, MBA, Senior Manager, Marketing Planning – Retail Mid Market Segment, Colliers
From their strategic understanding to their flat-out creativity—Zync has been an absolute delight.
Kathleen Sandusky, Communications Specialist, Casey House
Zync adds value to my company!
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Zync provides fresh and truly creative solutions for our communication problems.
April Wilson-Lange, GRS Marketing and Communications, Manager, my money@work program, Sun Life Financial
Always available with fresh ideas, Zync takes creativity to a new level.
Nadia Dermit, Director, Best Practices, Group Retirement Services, Sun Life Financial
Zync gives us confidence.
Camila Merlano, Senior Manager, Brand Management, Scotiabank
Zync is a valued partner! They demonstrate commitment and passion for their work.
Valentina Zmarzly, Director, Credit Card Marketing, Scotiabank International
Faced with a complex communications challenge, Zync delivered.
Jennifer Paige, Manager, Communications and Marketing, Ontario Chiropractic Association
Zync was instrumental in helping us achieve our objectives—on target, on time and on budget.
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Zync continually exceed expectations.
Dr. Salim Mamajiwalla, Principal, InScite IP Inc.
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Martha Varinsky, AVP, HR and Communications, Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP)
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从根本上构建高效的深度学习加速器 - Synopsys:深度学习加速器的设计原则是采用能够优化数值精度的处理器架构,众便最大限度地降低存储器瓶颈,同时保持足够的精度、确保片上存储器得到高效利用,并对定点和浮点计算采用节能逻辑。图4显示了包含片外和片上存储器层的专用深度学习加速器的典型架构。
They hit the mark with respect to achieving objectives.
Wendy Reid, AVP, Marketing and Communications, Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP)
Zync used an unparalleled creative approach to capture key fundamentals of our business.
Rachael Fisher, Fashion Stylist and Wardrobe Expert, Hangar9
The reaction to Zync’s work has been overwhelmingly positive.
Jeff Courtney, Chief Commercial Officer, Fight Against Cancer Innovation Trust (FACIT)
Zync has exceeded our expectations at every turn. The quality of work they do is second to none.
Aaron Murphy, Brand Manager, Chris Hadfield Inc.
Zync offers a valuable mix of creativity combined with timely execution.
Claire Pfeiffer, Communications Manager, Blackwell
Zync has done a great job helping me manage brand-building initiatives.
Tim Kuhn, Communications and Branding Director, Armtec
On all counts they proved themselves invaluable.
Terri Mand, Marketing Coordinator, Armtec
Zync focused on how things would actually behave as mobile content then really knocked the design work out of the park.
Todd Denis, Director of Brand Connections, Canadian Olympic Committee
9 out of 10 mobile searches lead to action.

Delivering your brand in digital
This week, the Zync team elaborates on the role of digital related to brand. How important is it in the whole brand equation? Is digital at the forefront of how brands are seen in the marketplace? We talk about what it really means to brand - and how digital experiences can also have a huge impact on perception.

An animated product launch video that simplifies a complex data management tool down to its key features and benefits.
→Business Creative and Branding for a Digital World
Brad Breininger, Zync’s co-founder and strategist, is interviewed by the founder of Fjorge, Tim Barsness, about the future of brand and marketing. If you’re interested in branding, the evolution of digital, and marketing to shorter attention spans, this podcast is perfect for you.